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Caruna partners with Ropo for invoicing and receivables management

Ropo Capital has won the public tender for providing sales invoice and receivables management to Caruna Oy, the largest electricity distribution grid operator in Finland. The contract was signed on 1 March 2022 and Ropo will start handling the company’s invoice management from September 2022 onwards.

The service package for Caruna includes invoice delivery, invoice attachment and document delivery, reminders and debt collection, and customer service for payment control inquiries.

“We are very pleased that Caruna chose to partner with Ropo Capital and that we now get to build this invoicing system together. Our services will focus on Caruna’s current and future needs and on reliability and high quality standards. Our cooperation with Caruna further strengthens Ropo’s position as a provider of comprehensive invoicing services,” states Ilkka Sammelvuo, Managing Director of Ropo Capital Finland.

Caruna accounts for about 20% of total electricity distribution in Finland and its customers include around 80 municipalities, 90,000 companies and over 600,000 homes.

“Ropo’s market share for invoice delivery within the energy sector has already reached 55%. The new partnership with Caruna will increase Ropo’s invoicing volume by 2.5 million invoices per year,” says Sales Manager Päivi Enden.

In addition to Caruna, Ropo’s energy sector customers include Elenia, Pohjois-Suomen Energiatieto, Savon Voima and Pohjois-Karjalan Sähkö.

Further information:
Päivi Enden, Sales Manager, Ropo Capital Oy, tel. +358 44 700 6038,
Mikko Uotinen, Account Director, Ropo Capital Oy, tel. +358 40 500 4339,

Caruna maintains, repairs and expands a weatherproof electricity grid within its areas of operation in Southern, Southwestern and Western Finland, Joensuu, Koillismaa and Satakunta. Established in 2014, the group consists of two different power distribution companies: the city-based company Caruna Espoo Oy and Caruna Oy, which operates in sparsely populated areas. Caruna’s turnover in 2020 was EUR 475.3 million and it employs over 300 people. The company is owned by the Finnish pension insurance company Elo (7.5%) and international investors KKR (40%), Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (40%) and AMF (12.5%).

Ropo Capital is the market leader in invoice management in Finland, covering the whole value chain of the receivables lifecycle, from invoice delivery to payment monitoring and receivables management. We compete on the Nordic markets as a technological forerunner – our operating model is based on the advantages of digitalisation and advanced automation. Headquartered in Kuopio, Finland, the company employs approximately 400 financial specialists in Finland, Sweden and Norway and serves more than 10,000 customers, from SMEs to the largest corporations. In total, Ropo Capital delivers over 170 million invoices and other documents annually. Our goal is to become the leading invoice lifecycle provider in the Nordics by 2023.